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Electronic Forensics - Expert Witness Course

The AFCA Electronic Forensics – Expert Witness Course has been designed for the cyber-security or electronic forensics expert who would like to learn more about how they can provide effective expert evidence to a court. The course is designed to provide knowledge around what an expert witness is, and their role in the Australian court system.  In addition, the course will explain how to maximize your effectiveness in court, and beyond.

Course Content

This course provides the describes the skills and knowledge required to give evidence as a digital forensics’ expert witness in legal proceedings. The unit includes preparation for proceedings, presenting evidence and following up on outcomes of proceedings. Proceedings may be to criminal, coronial, civil or military courts

Course Duration

This Qualification is to be delivered online with 320 hours of learning and 40 hours of assessment.The total time commitment is 360 hours.


Duration - 360 hours

Available on demand

Dates & Locations

  • On Demand

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