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Oxygen Forensic Detective v 13.0 Released


Oxygen Forensic Detective v.13.0 is here!

This release introduces full physical extraction capabilities Samsung devices based on Exynos chipsets. Given that Samsung Electronics is the world’s leading manufacturer of mobile devices and smartphones, we deemed support for these products as necessary.
 In addition, we have also implemented a completely new feature, Optical Character Recognition! This will automatically convert word data identified in images or screenshots and convert it to machine-encoded text, allowing investigators to avoid the burden of transcribing manually.
Lastly, we are very excited to bring you cloud extraction capabilities for three new cloud services, one of which is the web conferencing app, Zoom! This application has gained a tremendous amount of popularity during the past several months. Knowing that we added extraction support for it, along with Huawei Cloud Backups and Firefox Lockwise.

Read the full release notes and watch the video to learn more about the great features available in Oxygen Forensic Detective version 13.0!